
Is It Clobbering Time Again?

  A lot and I mean, a lot has changed in professional wrestling since CM Punk was eliminated from the Royal Rumble by Kane five years ago. Punk took his per-verbal ball and went home. We all thought it was a work; it turned out not to be. Punk aired his dirty laundry on, arguably, the most well known shoot

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WWE RAW Review 8.26.19 w/ Cameron Dougharty

I’m back again this week, maybe we will make a habit of this. Before we get into Raw, make sure you check out Stone Cold’s show after Raw, he was hanging out with Baker Mayfield for crying out loud. 1. There was a lot of talk about Sasha Banks’ promo this past Monday and rightfully so. Sasha said all the

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The Good, the Bad and the Hokie: Dean Ambrose’s Run in the WWE

To the surprise of just about every wrestling fan in the world the WWE put out a press release stating Dean Ambrose, Jonathon Good, would not be renewing his contract once it expires after Wrestlemania. The dark horse star of the past six plus years is leaving the WWE. That or they’re all plotting a major story line. Either way,

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Daniel Bryan is Medically Cleared and why the WWE is Banking on it

    When Daniel Bryan was forced into early in ring retirement after several injuries, including multiple concussions, it was a catastrophic blow for everyone and I️ mean EVERYONE in or around the world of professional wrestling. Bryan was riding high in the WWE, his ability to connect with the fans eventually forced Vince McMahon to ride the ‘Yes Movement’

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